Sunday, September 25, 2011

Whole30 - Day 3, 4 and 5

Day 3, 4 and 5 were rough. It wasn't necessarily the cravings as much as the lack of food.

Success, as far as the Whole30 is concerned and I guess many other things in life, is very reliant upon preparation. If I do not start preparing my meals in advance, I am definitely going to have a rough go at the next 25 days. I have found that healthy, whole food does not just fall into your lap when your stomach growls. It's pretty dumb, actually.

I made frittatas in advance one night but I ate so many that I didn't have enough left to sustain myself the next day. Haha.

So, possible starvation due to a lack of preparation aside, the past two days have been particularly interesting because of the reactions I have received from people. My coworkers are pretty sure I have an eating disorder and I had a lunch meeting yesterday and the people that we had lunch with were extremely puzzled to find that I was on a diet.

I tried to explain that I am not trying to lose any weight, really. I almost went into how I would like to lose some more body fat and gain some more muscle but this was not the audience. I explained that I'm just trying to clean up my nutrition. This was met with an eyebrow furrow as they shoveled more sushi into their mouth and changed the subject. I miss sushi. Instead, I had a strawberry salad with avocado and salmon.

I do find it very gratifying to be able to say that I have successfully rid myself of many a nutritionally bankrupt food for the past few days. Usually by this time of the week I have consumed at least an entire bag of Starbursts. I really love corn syrup. I miss it a lot.

Members of my gym who are doing Whole30 are stating that their cravings are subsiding already but mine are not. These individuals must not have been hooked up to an I.V. bag full of corn syrup like I have been most of my life. At this point, I would like to raid CostCo and fill up my bathtub with Laffy Taffy, Starbursts, Skittles, Milk Duds and any other corn syrup based candy. I would then get in the bathtub and eat myself into a diabetic coma. When I awoke from my diabetic coma, I would continue to eat the candy that surrounded my body. Repeat until all of the candy is gone.

This is me doing something to a bag of Starbursts at the store. I think I might be trying to taste or smell something through the packaging.

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